12\/16\/2024 - that which quietly persists<\/a><\/div>
10\/24\/2024 - short story in images<\/a><\/div>
09\/30\/2024 - tell me about yourself<\/a><\/div>
08\/15\/2024 - riding the rhythm<\/a><\/div>
07\/28\/2024 - sister dog, brother sun<\/a><\/div>
06\/30\/2024 - whatever floats your boat<\/a><\/div>
06\/16\/2024 - standards of care<\/a><\/div>
02\/26\/2024 - how did this find me<\/a><\/div>
02\/15\/2024 - wild things in the night kitchen<\/a><\/div>
01\/12\/2024 - fool's errands<\/a><\/div>
12\/12\/2023 - here's to the road<\/a><\/div>
11\/28\/2023 - sunset in a cup<\/a><\/div>
11\/14\/2023 - Message from<\/a><\/div>
10\/23\/2023 - I'll Meet You There<\/a><\/div>
05\/20\/2021 - more later<\/a><\/div>
05\/13\/2021 - two notes<\/a><\/div>
05\/03\/2021 - another view<\/a><\/div>
04\/26\/2021 - punk hair and clover<\/a><\/div>